We’re delighted to announce that UX Forms now provides and maintains a docker image for building, testing and releasing forms.
As continuous integration tools move more and more towards basing build agents on docker images, UX Forms want to make your life as easy as possible.
Forms are built using sbt¹, the de facto choice for building scala projects. Unfortunately sbt don’t provide an official docker image, and don’t appear to have plans to do so any time soon, so if you want to build an sbt project in a dockerised toolset then you’re either at the mercy of using an untrusted image or building and maintaining your own. Neither of these sound particularly appealing so we’ve taken on the hard work so you don’t have to.
On dockerhub
The image is available on dockerhub
and has detailed usage instructions on its repository home page.
Local development
What’s more, if you’re one of the growing number of docker evangelists who use it to keep their own development environments super-clean, you can use the same image to build and test forms locally, too.
Want to know more?
Come have a look around https://uxforms.com, follow UX Forms on twitter, or email us at hello@uxforms.com and see how we can make your forms better, together.
[1] which used to stand for “simple build tool”. The irony was not lost and this name is a distant memory.